Need for SC, ST and BC reservation in India

Should there be continuation of reservation for scheduled caste and tribes and backward caste people still? I will let you decide  by yourself but before that let us discuss about the basics of social.equality.
1. Balance of economy.
2. Balance of power and status structure.
Social balance exists when these both exists. The wealth and power should be distributed among the people in order to avoid social discrimination among the people. How many of you believe that balance of power exists in India? Or balance in economy? Have you ever imagined the level of social discrimination in Indian? Let's consider few situations. Have you ever visited village mandal office or panchayath office anytime? Have you ever boarded village buses and sat with those people? Did you ever taste the unpolished rice in a brass bowl or have you ever watched anybody eating like that? You never did any of these things but you shout on government about reservation?
For your quick understanding, let's consider that you have an uneducated middle class family and all you could do is to study enough to get a clerk post. The firm manager has a friend who has better qualification than you, 'cause he has got good background but your level of knowledge is enough to do that job. What if the manager choose the person who is better qualified than you in that competition? Won't your struggle go in vain?  Don't you feel that the other person should opt for better job for his education than the present job providing an opportunity for you so that you can make your next generation much better? Do you have to still work as an uneducated labour as your ancestors and wait for your offspring to exile more than you, without you, not being upgraded economically? Justifying this situation, reservation for SC, ST and OBC are made up to certain limits in selection considering the encouragement and uplift of these people. 87% of the low scale loans in banks are opted by these SC, ST and OBC people in India. For encouraging this people inspite of failure in attempt for their social growth, government has provided subsidy limit for the selection of these people in every government sector in order to provide the social and economical growth for them.
SC, ST people constituting 24.6% of whole population of India is the main reason for the low per capital income of the country, being the people who fall below poverty line according to 2001-07 census. Understanding this, we can now move into main story.
"Influence works before papers", have you ever listened? By the time the papers of the people reaches the table, recommendation will be on it's way to the selection board member? Don't you agree? Well, your father or mother or someone of your relation will agree. What if this happens the same with the government sector? By the time papers reach the table, you will be a government official, cause you have a good knowledge and better back ground. "In a relation, it is hard to say 'no' ". Your job will be led by the next of your kind then what about the other people who don't have social relation status? So, an opportunity is given to them in form of reservation. It is been happening since 30 years but all these people are practically kept at the doorstep while the door key is still holded by the upperclass people. Look out for your local heads and officers, may be it will make you realise it. The rulers have never changed (excluding few rare and exceptional). What ever these so called low caste people do, they could reach only the door steps, they could never step in house or be a governing member of the country. So, the other people, better not to worry, you still have so many opportunities, meet your caste community head near to your home, or it's sure that one of your relative is in a position to provide you a better job than that reserved filthy government job.
So, coming to educational, as I said, is a part of encouragement and to avoid disappointment in loss. As quality education in India is  very costly, it is opted by these low caste people with hope under loans. The circumstances in their growth and living is different from others due to uncivilized and uneducated background. He might have taken your place in a good college, but you should recognize that he is one among a million of his group. Still you disagree? They may or may not afford the things required to be in the better position than others, so, the government has provided the subsidy level of selection. He/she may sit beside you and laugh in class, but the struggle to reach that stage to sit with you and the future awaiting troubles are only known to them. If you are not in this category and you think you are helpless, you are wrong, constitution have balanced rule of economic policies and your are helped economically at any part of your learning stage.
For your information, there are 24% of SC & ST have the reservation of 22.7% and 54% OBC have reservation of 27%. So, you always had your place there in government sectors and is not the same with the private sectors.
Do you think you are more intellectual than the people who made laws and written the constitution? I can say, all you know about these are stories, not the facts. During the period of 1970-1990, these scheduled people who couldn't able to bear the poverty and ill treatment has converted to Christians and Buddhists and are still continuing. These reservation bills may be made and still continued for the political benefits by the upper class people, but these is a need of reservation for survival of few people, cause, there is still a heavy winds of caste discrimination in the hearts of the people in India. The fact is that, once these low caste people are taken out of their official opportunities, many people are ready to suppress them again and bring up the imbalances in economy and power. Don't just make blind conclusions listening to few people, you should make your own resolve understanding the whole system. This is my resolve, cause I am the only one provided with this opportunity in my huge family tree. My sincere greeting to few people without whom I could study and never be knowledgeable enough to understand this society. Wishing for better life to everyone

Many of us think that the reservation for the people in a community is if given taking economic interests of the people is taken as a prime moto to bring equality among people in India and to eradicate this caste system. Well, I say, that is not the case. Reservations are provided not just the improve the lives of the people belonging to deprived but to increase their status in the society, to change the view on them among the society, to purchase dignity, pride and self-respect for certain sects from its own people. It is not about Ghareebi(Poor) and Ameeri(Rich). It is about what you are,what you have been and what you can be if given a chance. still.......  Click me

India Untouched documentary here 

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