
Showing posts from December 26, 2015

Need for quality health and education

Health and education problem in the life of the Indian people are the major obstruction for the growth and development of majority of people in India.  Usually, a country where the rate of availability of the basic health and educational facilities within the reach of everybody in the domain determines the prosperity of the nation. The health care and the quality of the life of the people can be determines by the life expectancy and the death rate in a country. Though they are not the sole factors to determine the quality of life, accessibility of the people to safe drinking water, planned sanitation facilities, proper utilization of resources, clean environment for a person to lice are the basic deciding factors determining the quality of life. With respect to this, taken 60% on India living in villages and rural areas, which doesn’t imply rural areas and villages are tend to be devoid of sanitation and cleanliness to live, considering the general sense of life style of the ...