When GOD Speaks to you!?
The god Humans, call themselves being the most intelligent creature, can't live by himself. He himself is weak, feeble, fallible. He wanted somebody to look on him but how? He has already become most reliable species on earth. Whom could he rely upon? Whose care, trust and power never fade, like other creatures? Who can give the reasons for the existence of things beyond human imagination and of all, the reason for his own existence? So where is it? The thing who could able to satisfy all these. Thus the only imperishable and omnipotent being created inside human. To satisfy him, to succumb him, to support him, to guide him and to answer him. Thus human created his own master to be a puppet in its hand. Some may not accept, being puppet, cause, we have religion we follow on our own will. Which is been created first? God or religion? When you call a religion as set of principles, god is a guardian for those principles, for he is Omni potent, he will punish whoever transgress those p...