When GOD Speaks to you!?
The god
Humans, call themselves being the most intelligent creature, can't live by himself. He himself is weak, feeble, fallible. He wanted somebody to look on him but how? He has already become most reliable species on earth. Whom could he rely upon? Whose care, trust and power never fade, like other creatures? Who can give the reasons for the existence of things beyond human imagination and of all, the reason for his own existence? So where is it? The thing who could able to satisfy all these. Thus the only imperishable and omnipotent being created inside human. To satisfy him, to succumb him, to support him, to guide him and to answer him. Thus human created his own master to be a puppet in its hand. Some may not accept, being puppet, cause, we have religion we follow on our own will. Which is been created first? God or religion? When you call a religion as set of principles, god is a guardian for those principles, for he is Omni potent, he will punish whoever transgress those principles. So, why it has to be god?
Thought we don't know about other living creature much, but, almost every human being experiences two lives. One is perceptible life, which we can sense, and the other inside his own mind, which nobody but himself, can sense and control it. The former can be sensed and easily controlled by others, which is, when one loses control on it. What about the things going on inside? Who can go in and control them when one looses his own control. There principles comes into picture, which, guides and instructs us, what is right and what is wrong, what to think and what not to, that we call, a religion. A true religion is not rituals but principles. So, where is god here? He comes when you violate those principles.
That's it? Is that god just the guardian of principles of religion? Wherever religious principles exists, god dwells there. Following a religion mean carrying principles all along your life. So how do we carry principles? In a powerful storage device called brain and so god dwells there. He comes with you wherever you go till your last breath. So, he just sits there writing punishments for our violations? That's just one part of his work. The other part is, he supplies you the most important support for life, belief. When you are alone, he will be there with you. When you are despondent, he will support you. When you suffer, he will save you. So how? Will he just appears out of nowhere and do all these? No. Like every imperishable thing on earth, god has no shape. So he possess you partially when you really calls for him like you have to call for an answer in your brain to a question, you have to just call for god who exists there. Like you could only remember only when you have something in your brain, you can only expect him when he is in you. How will he? It happens only when you lead your life with principles.
God exists because we exists with principles. He has power because we gave him that power to them. A human is just an animal without principles. A god shouldn't necessarily have a name, but he will do what he should do in every moral human being. A moral person without a god is god himself.
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