Tips for happy life
YOU WILL NEVER FAIL UNTIL YOU WISH FOR SUCCESS. We have the people who think that nothing ever will go in their favor and whatever they wish for will never come true, a cause for the huge disappointment among teens and youth and the primary source of pessimism. We wish for many things in life and sometimes we absolutely want them. This subtle difference between this wish and want will decide how much it will effect the person when it will not happen. Practically every person first wishes for things. When the things go in the way that their wish may come true then that wish will turn into a want, means, expecting that it should definitely happen and the hopes will raise on it. When that particular wish turned want fails to happen, we go back in the same way with "nothing ever happens whatever I wish for". Well, a wish is something that we could only expect to happen. No logic or reality may work on it with the end result being little or no disappointmen...