Be a Leader and Choose One
Many of us had participated in building this country through implicit decisions by our representatives. We choose how our society has to be for the next five years and very nook and cranny of our life. Our present day life is the effect of society and society is effected by the policies and rules of the government which implicates us. If you keep grumbling or scoffing about the activities of the government, know that, it is you who made it last time. If you don't, don't worry, you will get it. It is not the time to start doing because your Right to Vote is already 73 yrs. old. It is not only important to cast your vote, it is also important to choose the right person who could reflect the public need and wellness in an assembly is indispensable. People, look at where we live in. If you are so dissatisfied with the way it is, why don't you use your power to change it into a right course. Somebody who got freedom for this country gave us freedom to choose what this coun...