Population of India

1210569573, the total population of India according to 2011 census, more than a sixth of world’s population, with the population growth rate of 1.41% every year. Some of you might have already know it that in order to be a developed country, the foremost things is to, keep check to the exponential population growth of this country. If anybody consider it as a valuable resource for our country, there should always be a limit to availability of something. There is no use of tons of gold if there are no people to use it, at least, unlike population, gold won't eat  other resource for its survival.

Population has been a major hindrance for the growth of this country since few decades. The availability of the resources for the healthier growth of the population is not balanced. Notwithstanding the distribution of the resources to the population needs, more than 3/4th of the population is not getting the relative quality resources for their development with the present society leading survival instead of living. Population wouldn't have been a hindrance for development if everything is so organized in such a way if basic resources and economical resources are well distributed and exchanged between all sets of people. When talking about the basic and economical resources, Basic resources are the fuel to run an organization like food, water, electricity, coal, ore etc. Economical resources are manufacturing and services like manufactured goods a and commodities, education, public services etc. There should always be a balance in production and exchange of these basic and economical resources where every individual of the community or a country is participated, thus creating a stable society. Since there is a failure in the balanced establishment of these resources in the country, there is been a deficit in production and availability of these resources. Reasons may be

1. Not every eligible individual is participating in production of either of the resources or though involved, not producing valued contribution i.e, in the form of informal employee in handloom, pottery, handicrafts, bedi and cigarette making and other minor scale works whose products have little or no demand in the present society, had been a failure in being a economical resource.

2. In the form of informal labor in industries and factories, there is no equal distribution of wages for equal work meaning, if a permanent employee getting 10k salary for a work, an informal employee (contracted labor) will get 5k for the same work, resulting in deprivation and status imbalance for the consumption of basic resources.

3. Due to the imbalance in the economic value of these economic and basic resources, there is been a constant shift of people in production of low valued basic resource (agriculture, water supply, forest products etc.) to the high valued economical resources (services, product manufacturing, research, organization and management) resulting in the sharp decline of production of basic resources.

4. In addition to this, illiteracy or poor quality education, need for sophistication, eased lifestyle, unreasonable desires made people shifting to a single economical group resulting in the class differences as low, middle and high class. Occupations are divided based on their economic importance and sophistication into two different classes. Since the last few decades farming and hand looming are considered to be low valued, unsophisticated, illiterates work of low economic classes. This false notion is wide spread in every part of the country creating occupational discrimination among the people which led the movement of people away from farming and moreover farming is not considered to be a profession by the people.

However, now that the situations in our country is irreversible as our country's GDP depends 74%on Services and Industrial sector 11% on agriculture sector and the remaining on other sectors, the possibility of the balanced economic growth has dropped from little to nil. This created a huge competition in economic sector leading to high monetary concentration and distribution in a single group of population affecting the lives of the other group. Due to this, there is a rapid movement of people from production of basic resources to economical resources leading to huge competition and deterioration of the lives of the people.

This deterioration due to the competition doesn't start after dwelling in the crammed economic sector but at the basic level of the path leading to this economic sector, as living in urban locality, attending good schools, quality education, consuming good quality food, sophisticated medical facilities. Competition exists in attaining these aids too.

When a government employee earning 15k per month have to pay his children fee of 35k per annum per head for so called sophisticated good quality primary education, 5k per month for providing them their resources, 3k for providing them good food, good health and a little extra for extra-curricular activities and he should manage his bills and his family. So, what should he do to meet all these needs? Keep loans till his children gets settled and repay their loans? Or bribery or illicit activities which can fetch him more money? It's an obvious choice. Nobody wants a mediocre life. Nobody wants their children to be deprived of better quality and security. On the other hand, a simple economic theory works, price is directly proportional to demand. As long as there will be increase in demand by the people for quality products, there will be constant increase in price of them. Similarly, a worker who pays will earn less cause there is a surplus flow of working people and demand for them decreases and so their wages. If we consider it in a proper way, with the increase of population, the increase in price of the consumer goods is exponential while wages increase arithmetically. This is what we call inflation. Number of eligible candidates are way beyond the hiring requirement leading unemployment, informal employment, fraudulence, insecurity, poor economic development. When 65% of population in our country are below the age of 35years and one-third of the unemployed are graduates in our country, how can we keep aside the fact that some day we are going to run out off basic and economical resources and limited availability of the resources are going to break order and bring chaos among the people's life. When other countries are producing limited best products, we are on producing innumerable cheap products. It's just going to be worse if it continues like this.

To all 66% literates out there, we want you to think about this. Please try to adopt the policy of "one or none" and "child adoption". Please avoid making children for your dreams and personal fantasies. All you will give them a chaotic life and whoever reading this, think about what it is and what it will be and spread this to those who are not aware.

Don't blame the government for not keeping policies to check the population cause keeping such policies is against our RIGHT TO FREEDOM. Instead, they are providing social education so that we will realize and be sensible and responsible for the future of this society.





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