Social Education and Responsibility
When everybody is so considerate about the actions of the government, abusing them for their work, working out of their rules, about their responses. Cause everybody think that government is government servants and leaders, right? Do you know what makes the government to work like this? It is their sense of irresponsibility since the start of their life. Those filthy government servants never developed the sense of responsibility yet they are given with the power to improve this society. Their irresponsibility may be due to lack of awareness and proper educated life but what happen to you? You are educated, well aware of the things around you, you consider yourself more intellectual than your ancestors, then why you have developed such a social irresponsibility?
Since from the starting of the day, you ignore every rule that your education has taught you. Starting from walking on the road, you follow your own rules like "who cares, nothing happens". You ignore even little things like crossing the road, following traffic rules, the place you wait for bus. They are taught to you in your childhood, but still you behave like and uneducated idiot, crossing every line of rule, saying "everybody do the same. What's wrong with only me?", but any mistake or a good thing starts with a single person. Your little mistakes is what creates traffic disorders, traffic jams, accidents. You never feel responsible for this. Whatever wrong happens, it is always others mistake, right? You in sense of other, other in sense of you, cause everybody crosses rules. Everybody is so busy to follow those little things. Rules are made for smooth flow of system, after all, they are made for our convenience, still you feel it inconvenience till you loose your life or responsible for the loss of life. Aren't you any different from uneducated and ignorant idiot who don't know and disobey the rules?
In the other hand, the way you make the government work for you. You never had patience, and you don't like waiting, when you have money, pay it and get it fast, when you are poor, wait and abuse the government. If one asks, why you need to take a wrong route when you are really eligible for something? Why don't you try to get what you want in a right way? You have many rules that protects you and supports you when you fight for righteousness. You are the reason, the government is corrupted today, because you are lazy and irresponsible.
You, who abide the rules, who likes to take wrong ways to get things done is going to work for somebody or for the society, and you make no difference to the existing society. You will never think about the inconvenience that you are creating to your fellow being by ignoring the rules laid for the better running of society however small it may be. You, be a correct person and be unquestioned. Don't be like uneducated and irresponsible social being. Education is not something that's only ment to earn money, it gives you the sense of righteousness and responsibilities. You follow rules and let others follow it. If everything turns right starting from you, then you will be safest and happiest person in this society. Proud to be an educated and well behaved. We can't be educated fools. We are future.
Be responsible and create a better society or don't be an educated fool and a social idiot. Your responsibilities are not too big to handle and not too small to cross. You are wise.
_Jai Hind
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