One Important thing that India lacks to develop
Many of us are wondering instead of these many resources human, metal, mineral, information, education, technology India has been growing on the 🐌 snail pace towards development with least Human development index, good rank in corruption, low standard of eduction, health facilities, living. Thought India is trying itself to come out of this year after year, people are falling in high pace into poverty than those are getting lifted adjusted to present inflation. We must also understand that being one of the youngest countries in the world 🌍 what's wrong with our country and what is stopping us from going to the mark of being developed. Any one of us might quote a hundred reasons for it but basically our country lacks on one thing that many of the countries in 1950s had now grown to be the most prosperous nations of the world 🌍 like Japan 🗾 Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, China. It's a strong 💪 resolve to do something....
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