Tips for effective learning

In this article I will tell you some times with which you could able to increase your concentration and interest on what you are learning and to remember them for longer periods of time.

Effective learning is something you learn more things in less possible time with more concentration and greater possibility of remembering things. To achieve this effective learning, you don't need to do any kind of mental exercise and you don't need a special training. You just need to change the way you read and also your mindset while preparing to read, reading and after finishing them.

Usually to get the interest, confidence to learn and remember them for a longer time, follow these few simple steps.

(i) Give more priority to the necessity of learning:

Thought the necessity of the things that you learn is very less, it is important to give more priority to learn, thinking that it is the most necessary thing to do as of now otherwise you will loose your chance for everything you want to do in future. Giving such kind of priority to the things will psychologically will build up the discipline to learn them.

(ii) Understanding context and concept:

Thought it is your first time to learning something, it is very much necessary that you know the basic concepts to understand that you are learning. Even though you are time bound, make time to learn the basic concepts of what you have to learn. This will increase the speed of learning and the capacity to remember it for a longer time cause those memories will be built on strong structure of basics. 

It is always necessary to know what you are learning, why you are learning and what it really is. It will give us the push to learn about it more there by creating interest to move forward. It will also reduce your chances of sleeping while reading.

(iii) Necessity:

Even thought while learning the simple things, it is very important to understand the necessity of the things that you are learning in life and how it can be used by you in practice. A person will go for anything that is necessary. This necessity will serve as a reason to remember the things for longer period of time. 

(iv) Making long term goals:

Instead of making short term goals like for examination and like, it is always better to make long term goals with the things that you are learning. Being able to think what you could able to do with the things that you have learned now will give you more confidence and makes to remember them for longer periods.

(v) Analogies:

If you could able to relate the things that you have learning or learning with your daily life activities and things life or with the things that are more interested in, like relating science with math if you could understand math better, or relating a poem with daily life activity that you do. These kind of analogies will help you remember things more easily and effective and also it will make the concept of information more interesting.

(vi) Applications:

Whenever you are trying to learn the technical concept, it is better to think about their applications in practical. This will create interest and also the necessity of learning it.

(vi) Energy :

Try not to expend more energy while learning, like, reading while walking or constantly moving. This is increase the chances of forgetting things that are learned. It will also gives a habit of remembering things only when you could able to move physically. 

(vii) Breaks :
It is important to give breaks whoever will get mentally exhausted easily while expending mental energy without having any physical movements. Giving breaks will learning to move here and there and doing some simple things will help you keep awake without getting sleep due to exhaustion of brain. It is always necessary to recreate yourself whenever you feel tired.

If you want to learn different problems faced by the readers while learning, read below.

Let us consider different kinds of difficulties faced during reading for not being able to concentrate or remember and the mental state of the mind while preparing to read.


(i) If it is something you had already read and understood, you will never hesitate to review it again. Of course you can't take out that chance that you might never touch it again out of your over confidence which makes you forget them sometimes due to the overlapping confusion created by different things that you have studies and failed connections between them.

(ii) If it is something of your interest, even though it is a tome, you will start to tread and enjoy it.

(iii) If it is something that you heard would be difficult for you to read, you either readily give up or you will fear whether you could understand and complete it or  not and give up reading them.

(iv) If you have neither interest not fear in reading anything, you will prepare yourself to skim through the pages which can be fatal while trying to remember them  due to the recollection of vague ideas and dis-ambiguity.

(v) If that learning is something that should be done as an obligation to pass through an important exam or any of its relative for your life, usually, the fear comes of it will consume your concentration, will and confidence of success even before starting to learn.

Condition (2) WHILE READING

(i) Absence of mind : Thought you learn by heart or read out, even though you are looking at the book, what you see will not be processed and image signals are 

not sent yo your brain, which acts as the base for the recollection of the data when you need them out of your mind. In this state, after you flip to the next page, you 

will forget what you have seen in the previous page, though you seem like seriously looking at what you are reading.

(ii) Not being able to understand : This is one big difficulty one would face while reading. Not being able to understand what they are learning. Failing to understand to concept or context of what a person is learning makes it difficult for him/her to continue reading them. This will reduce the concentrations psychologically and stirs the reasons to give up. The more they try to keep pushing forward, the more they gets confused of what they are reading. Few people try to memorize them blindly alone a chain of words. 

(iii) Distraction : Not keeping fair amount of concentration but still trying to concentrate will be impeded by different kinds of distractions around us. Once getting distracted by anything will make us forget what we have read and makes us start all over again.

(iv) Giving up due to time bound : Though we could able to concentrate fairly, cause of the time bound available is very less for the amount of things that are to be learned to get the desirable result, we try to give up and shift to things that are more pleasurable instead of taking pain in reading for which the desirable outcome is uncertain.

(v) Being Unnecessary : Though we may have enough talent to learn and understand, one may not be ready to expend their concentration and effort to learn something cause one might feel the thing they are learning is no where necessary and slowly gives up reading it thought they have to lean it. They find more interest in leaning some other things they find might be useful at the some time.

Because of the above reasons, people tend to sleep while reading or learning anything.

Condition (3) AFTER READING

Usually one who couldn't understand the context and concept or couldn't able to rote, though they read everything, the possibility of recollecting what they have learned is very less. Few will fail,usually who rote, with the break of thread in the sequence of the memory of an idea, they tend to forget everything, sometimes due to fear and nervousness.

The possibility of forgetting things will be there when we rote, and overwrite the information in brain with some other information, thoughts and apprehensions.

Though it is written for the people who don't find interest in reading, the basic idea of creating this article is not served cause however they won't read, but I think the necessity for them to read and remember things will make them go through this article. 

_Jai Hind


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