Population explosion, a threat to the suvival

We now live in a world where economy and survival matters and we are down to making policies to meet the conditions of our survival and economy and we live in a nexus that links the both. The world as we think mostly is democratic now where most of the decisions are taken by the people itself but mostly on their own interests and survival. Start looking at the origin of the human race. It is about the clash of different species for amenities of the survival and now we are clashing with each other for the resources, across boundaries of seas, land and air. What all these resources give us is the monetary strength. If somebody doesn't accept this, then there wouldn't be people on this earth starving. We are clashing each other for building our economies. a survival platform, we built ourselves over thousands of years. This is the same reason now countries needs population. To increase GDP, and to build economy. The more population a country has, the more it can exploit the resources and energy, sell it and make money. Cheap labor, manual labor, less demand, ease of availability of skills etc are the things that are counted when population is taken in term of economy. It is true that life forms can regenerate, develop, multiply and we have to ask ourselves, what about the resources on earth? How long they gonna feed us? How long they can fetch us that positive economy? If we cut trees now, how long it will take them to grow? How long for them to be converted into fossil fuels? But we are exhausting our available resources at the rate where we couldn't survive the age of replenishment. It is not just with the fossil fuels. The same goes with agriculture, where we are all the natural minerals available in the top layer of the soil and use of more freshwater available on land, use of wood which takes hundreds of years to grow. Instead of some scientific advancement where we have taken the process of natural selection into our hands, there are few essential things for the survival of the human race which takes hundreds of years for their replenishment. For instance, fertile soils which will take decades to get it replenish by natural activities of wind and water disposition, volcanic activities, reaction between air, soil and water and growth of natural vegetation, which doesn't happen instantaneously but will take decades and sometimes centuries. The minerals we use are in the same line. For the formation of minerals, it takes hundreds of years. Even if we recycle the existing minerals, the cost and energy of that activity increases on every step. The same with the availability of agricultural land, availability of fresh air to breath. All these are getting exhausted at a rapid rate to feed human population and makes them brew money.

Many of them consider population as a resource which increases the economy of the country if properly used. But they fail to acknowledge the fact that, they are the resource which uses some limited resources which are bound to end to produce the same economy. Everything is limited on this Earth except reproduction which feeds on this limited resources.  

If I had to explain in clearly, let us consider 100 acre land with 100tons of resources in it, with a population of 10 each consuming 1 acre and 1 ton of resources an year and converting into something called money of 1000 which has nothing to do with this earth (Please don't consider doing environmental programs with it. Cause we all know it is minute fraction of good for a huge mountain of harm and is incessant). That 10 will become 11 next month considering birth and death rate cause we have to keep death to minimum, that's how our compassion works and 12 the next month, 13 next month and 14, 15, 16 and keeps increasing but what doesn't increase is that land and resource. We can look at it in two perspectives
1. With the increase of population, the number of people who are at work increases and the amount of land and resources increses there by the production of money increases (which can't create land or resources) there by creating more wealth and that's the formula third world countries follows to compete with the existing rich nations.
2. With the increase of population, the amount of resources which create money will reduce and keep reducing at a higher pace with the increase of population and a time where all resources will get exhausted and we fall on somebodies land which creates a clash called MODERN ECONOMIC WARFARE or Neo-colonialism.

We can consider the resources in two ways. Replaceable resource or quickly replenish able resource like plastics, few minerals, money, nuclear weapons, warheads etc and Irreplaceable and non-replenishable resources like forests, rivers, soil, agriculture land, fresh air, ores, fossil fuels, health and happiness.There should be conern about the population growth among the educated masses in terms of ecological impact rather than economic growth. In the life tree or life chain, the things above us to keep us in check are natural calamities or disasters, wars and deadly diseases which are brutal ways for us to die being such an intelligent beings. Now there is a need for us to give an unhazed look at the future for our own survival and saving our only home. There should be drastic reduction in the population in the next few decades otherwise there will be war of resources across the globe and we will end up being in a sci-fi movies of disasters in hollywood except that pain would be much more realistic. If you couldn't understand this logical explination, mail me, i wouldn't mind producing a revolutionary writting with more bloody words and less logic.

Follow ONE OR NONE. It is okay to adopt. There is no guarantee that your own son/daughter will get something that you have. That's racism and you are Hitler. Adopt and look after people around you, you will be Allah or Jesus or Buddha or whoever and that's love and you are GOD!


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