Judiciary and Justice

Capital punishment is not a goof face of Justice. Many of you might agree on this and many of you don't. To understand this. First we need to understand what justice really mean.

Justice has two faces in the way we see it. Personal and societal. When justice is given at personal level it is called vengeance or vendetta. Not that they are inhuman acts by nature. They are driven by extreme human emotions than by rational thinking. Then, capital punishment is the only judgement for an inhuman act. He killed us, we kill him. Judges can't understand the pain of the victim though he acts likes he do, otherwise the day the accused was produced should be his last day to breath. To let somebody who done a heinous crime to live few more months reflects the inability of the judicial system to punish the perpetrators. So, when even a common man can understand this, why not the judicial system who are dealing with justice are delaying it? Somebody must be wrong. who is? When you pick up a criminal trail by yourself then you would know who is. What a normal person consider in passing a judgement are crime, criminal, court, judgement. It is the most shallowest view to Justice.
The concept of justice is to do just, unbiased or unfazed. It is to do what is just at the situation. Do we get what is just just by looking at what has happened before our eyes? Why do we take so much time in delivering the justice as we know that justice delayed is justice denied. Let's consider a small situation as an example to understand how the justice is delivered and how judiciary works.
A father caught his son in the middle of the night eating cookies and filling his pencil box with sugar secretly in the middle of the night. Already sugar prices are so high in India and that boy is no Johnny and his father is not Papa. Justice know no relations. Now he know how cookies are disappearing from home, father got angry, started beating that boy without even recalling the rhyme, "Johnny Johnny! Yes Papa" and fried his palm so that he might not steal again and it worked. He didn't steal again. Justice. Right? Great dad and a few days latter, the boy started fainting in school and were ignored as regular weakness and the next day with dizziness and headache and so he was admitted to hospital and was told that he is having low blood sugar the reason for his frequent food thefts. When consulted at school, they told that they know nothing and his kid is getting absent from class frequently but his son is regularly leaving to school. When he consulted his son's friends. They told that, he couldn't sit in class and wanted to sleep as he was feeling weak always and couldn't see properly he comes and sleeps in school grounds. When asked why his son didn't tell him about all these, father came to know that, a friend of his son told about parents abandoning children with weak abilities and so the son afraid to consult his parents or teacher. Why the school hasn't consulted the father for his son being absent to classes frequently is their mistake. So, that low blood sugar kept constant hunger in that boy making him steal food to compensate and hide his weakness with others and absent to classes to hide his bad vision and stink he gets from heavy sweating due to low blood sugar. This is one simple situation, where the boy did really steal, and stealing is crime and he was punished. Is it just? If only father considered why he was stealing instead of getting angry for stealing high priced sugar, he might have known the real reason for his son to steal. It might be anything. Sugar, gold or life. There are so many perpetrators here who came into light after the punishment is given and the boy is suffering. Low blood sugar, the friend who misinformed the son, the school management whose has neglected the boys presence in school and finally the father who doesn't acted like one and judged his son out of anger but not with wisdom.

The same way, Judiciary anywhere should work as a wise parent. It should look into why it has happened? when it happened to somebody? From when it is happening? Who are the reason for this to happen? What should we do in order to bring people to better path by making them realize their mistake who went into wrong path by wrong preaching. The justice means that. Wrong should be punished in a way so as to make the right wiser than wrong and in the correct way of life. If the right does a think the same way wrong does that thing, what's the difference between being right and being wrong? They are not just one positive and negative charged beings. Right has more deeper meaning and emphasis in life for its existence that delivers justice. It has to do more work to prove the wrong why it is right and show the way to be right in a just manner.

As everybody thinks that it is very easily to give capital punishment for a person who kills others or done some atrocities but it is very hard to differentiate us from the perpetrator in the face of justice cause everybody will have their own way of wrong and right. We should look through everybody's eyes to prove ourselves that we are competent to deliver justice on others with same level of intelligence and to make sure that the verdict doesn't take the face of vengeance or vendetta but Justice, a face of better civilization on allegiance to rules and conduct. A quick capital punishment will never be the justice of the right.


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